There has been a leak at the Westwood park/Honor Oak Road intersection for about 10 days and it smells absolutely horrendous walking up the hill. Any residents know if this has been reported to Thames water? I can’t see any issues on the map.
Sewage leak on Westwood park

There was a Thames Water van there last night. Hopefully it has now been sorted. It smelt horrific but I only ever walked past in the dark so couldn’t see where it was coming from.

Hey, thanks for getting back to me. I contacted Thames Water yesterday and they said they’d be working on it today.

I walked past it tonight - there’s a pothole in the road and it’s still leaking and flowing down the hill… smells pretty bad.

If you email me ( with photos, I can also raise it with Thames Water (/ our officers, if there’s a pothole). Thanks!

Thanks Sophie, I’ve sent you a photo of the potholes.

Hi all,
I spoke to Thames Water. Yesterday, they told me that following the granting of an emergency permit, their engineers were on site and about to begin work. They will provide an update when it’s done.
I’ve also flagged the pothole with our Highways team - I will update when I know timelines for addressing this.

Fab, thanks Sophie!

Delayed response from Thames Water but thought I would share it anyway:
“I’d like to reassure you this issue has been fixed, and I’ve provided a summary of my findings below, which I trust you’ll find helpful.
On 8 November, following a report we received of sewage on the road, we arranged for an investigation to take place. When we arrived, we found wastewater flooding in the road, near number 6 Westwood Park. We therefore completed a camera survey of our sewer to determine the source of the leak. Unfortunately, we could see there was a collapsed pipework and further work was raised to carry out an excavation to repair the pipework.
In the interim, we arranged for our manhole chamber in front of 6 Westwood Park to be inspected daily and pumped out. This allowed us to manage the flow of sewage in the pipe and minimise the risk of flooding until our repair was completed and full flow was restored. As a precaution, we also checked other manhole chambers in the vicinity and found them to be clear due to the gradient of the hill.
I’m pleased to confirm, on 1 December we carried out our repair to the damaged section of pipework and replaced it with new a new piece of pipe.
Separate to the above, I’ve asked a Senior Case Manager, from our Executive Office, to investigate the potholes in the road you’ve also mentioned. If we find the potholes are related to the flooding incident, we’ll of course ensure these are repaired. We’ll provide you with an update on the findings no later than 15 December”.

Hi all,
Our Highways Inspector visited the site and ordered the 2 potholes outside Westwood court on Westwood Park to be fixed. I am told that the works are now complete. I can’t be at the road today to check so if anyone knows otherwise, do let me know.