The steps on the WH Smiths side of the underpass seem to be breaking up. It may be just the non-slip panels screwed to whatever is underneath, but I fear that someone unsteady on their feet might have a fall.
Steps to underpass near W H Smith

I’ve noticed this aswell. Are you referring to the left hand flight going up towards the South Circular? The lower treads and risers feel like they’re benched in concrete but the further you go up past the half landing it feels as though they’re supported by a steel or iron framework. Wouldn’t surprise me if someone’s leg goes through them in the not-too-distant future.

I filed this over two years ago, nothing done so then so either they just didn’t bother or didn’t think it was a problem at that time.

Who does the underpass belong to? Lewisham Council? Network Rail?
It’s probably not a good idea to raise this at all, as those responsible are likely to simply close the underpass and we’'ll be obliged to walk around the station on an impossibly narrow pavement.

Network Rail I believe. Also @Beige’s report was passed to Network Rail back in 2018.

What would you suggest as a solution then? A guerilla fix?

I have no solution. I am grateful that you took time to report this.

I’m pretty sure they could fix one side of the stairs at a time, though if they are deemed unsafe I guess immediate closure may be the only safe option.
Next time I’m passing I’ll report it into Love Lewisham which usually gets these things done. If others do the same, hopefully things will be noted and repaired before we get some icy weather or someone comes a cropper.

Looks like others have also reported this, this year, via Fix My Street

Yes I reported them. Fix My Street usually gets a fairly quick response from Lewisham when I’ve used words like dangerous In the description to report new potholes in the pavement etc.
Looks like it should be Network Rail. But with these steps both the reports made on Fix My Street have been immediately sent on to TfL. Indicating but not proving that this is the body responsible? Or is that just because theirs is the nearest road to the stairs.
Sure it wouldn’t hurt if others added their own reports.

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