Missing cat Devonshire Road [Found]

See the ‘anyone lost this cat?’ thread? Looks like the same animal (seen in the Horniman)

Thank you, it’s very similar but not Maggie unfortunately

Morning, still no sign of Maggie, please could anyone on Devonshire check their gardens/sheds/ garages in case she is stuck. We are getting very worried now. Thank you, Sian

Hi @Sian122 - I’m sorry to hear about Maggie, I hope she comes home soon.
I’ve shared a picture on our social channels, I hope that helps:
@SE23.life (5,020 followers)
@SE23_Tweets (590 followers)
@SE23Cats (300 followers)
And welcome to the forum!

Thank you!

Hi everyone, we have her back, she came home very skinny early this morning. Thank you to everyone that kept an eye out! Sian

That’s wonderful to hear - congratulations!

So pleased to hear this!!

Ohhh Christmas miracle! Thank goodness. Clever little thing making her way back!