Sylvan Christmas tree give away

That’s really sad to read, but really kind of you too - I hope you have a great Christmas and things look up in the New Year.
And welcome to the forum!

I hope you found a taker?
Out of interest, has the sylvan now got a load of surplus Christmas food that could be sold on? We find ourselves unexpectedly needing a full Christmas shop and would be happy if we could help avoid waste elsewhere in the process.

did you find a home for your tree ?

We didn’t find a taker, unfortunately, but staff are in and out over the next few days so fingers crossed someone might want to take it!
As for food the kitchen was cleaned out, we don’t know quite when we’ll be back open so everything was either taken by staff or thrown away, I’m sorry.

No problem, hope you can have a good Christmas!

My daughter and her flat mates needs a tree. Could I come and collect it for her ?

I can see if they still have it, I’m not sure what was done with it after we closed but I’ll check and get back to you!

'thank you my friend.

It’s still there! Someone can open up just so you can grab it this evening? It is 8ft, so I hope it’ll fit. Let us know what time you can get it.

Thanks a million. I know some flat mates who will be very happy !
Let would 6pm be ok ? If not then let me know a suitable time and i will fit in with your colleague’s schedule

Sounds great someone will be there at 6.

Thanks !

This is a lovely thing be great to see pics of the tree in its new home!

The magnificent tree was tied on to the roof of my trusty Renault Clio and made it home safely. I was told by the members of staff that it has been named Fir-licity. It is now standing in the garden in a nice large bucket of rain water, where it will recuperate for a couple of days before taking up residence in its new home Pictures will be supplied.

Wonderful news. And wonderful name

Great news! Merry Christmas!

Strapping an 8 foot Christmas tree on top of a Renault hatchback is one of the most ‘dad’ things a man can do. Takes me back to when my dad completely wrote off the rear suspension on my parents’ Fiat Tempra after driving up to Birmingham and back to buy a massive anvil during his metal working phase. They’ve still got the anvil but the car died not long after that journey.

An anvil like that would last until the end of time !

The biggest mystery was how he got it out of the boot and down to the shed.