I am in Garthorne Rd and had noticed a very small amount of post over the last week (well virtually nil). Went to the Forest Hill Delivery office and picked up a wad that had been sitting there. They couldn’t really explain the problem, but said I was far from being alone in having delivery problems. Its a puzzle as I see the posties around Garthorne Road every day.
Post Deliveries

Just saw the postie. Apparently last week they had to concentrate on parcels, but today they are doing the backlog of mail.

Our postie was at work at 3:30am on Friday morning and finished at around 9pm. Reason, massive amounts of post and parcels that are not being delivered due to lockdown and people not traveling as the normally do. They really are up against it this year.

Now you mention it we don’t seem to have had a lot of mail in the last week but what I’ve had has all been delivered within 3 working days of the franking date, although quite a lot of the mail has come through the system without being franked at all!
I saw a postie delivering on Stansted Road near the Cranston Road junction close to 3 o’clock on Saturday afternoon which seemed late for a Saturday.

We had post delivered on two days last week. It was quite a big pile both days, including a first class letter that had been posted 7 working days before. We haven’t had any post since then. I think they’re just overwhelmed with the amount.

They used to take on extra staff for Christmas many years ago.

I think Royal Mail have been delayed for a while. I had 2nd class items posted in early November taking 10 days and 8 days (2 of which were weekend). Currently waiting on something for 17 days (13 working).

They did! I did two weeks of Christmas sorting. We only did the second class mail though.
It was fun. Well not for the people of County Durham that year because I Am afraid to say I thought it was in Ireland/Northern Ireland.

My brother-in-law is a postman in London and he said that there are several issues:
- They have to prioritise packets and parcels over letters
- There are no Christmas temps to help this year
- Staff and posties going sick or isolating with Covid but no cover provided for them
Our postman said he starts at 6am, rarely finishes before 3pm and has to do his round twice - first time with packets and the second time with letters.
I’m sure that all the posties would be grateful for any Christmas thank yous that you wanted to give them. They have definitely earned them this year!

My post was delivered yesterday afternoon probably around 3.00 p.m…
It is usually delivered by 1.00 p.m…
I am still waiting for two letters that were posted to me in central London last Thursday. Actually, they are now out of date!
I am not complaining, just stating the facts.
I think our posties have done a brilliant job since this pandemic started. They carried on working and enabling others to stay at home.

We’ve had issues here too. 3 in our household were recently sent confirmation letters for medical appointments. ALL the letters arrived after we had been to the appointments!
Thank goodness the NHS now uses text reminders or 3 appointments would have been wasted.
I feel for those who don’t use mobiles - such as my Mum - as they must be struggling now.