Afternoon all. One of my many daughters works at a small local chain of retailers who shall remain nameless. She tells me that there are no proper COVID precautions taken such as limiting the number of customers who come in at any one time, no attempt to route the customers on a one way system as some businesses do. She and her colleagues are very unhappy about this and do not feel safe. They have raised this with the owner/managers after a staff meeting but the bosses attitude is that if you dont like it, you can go and find other jobs. My question is, what outside agency can this be reported to - is it the council and if so to whom. The Lewisham council website does not appear to have any information that could help with something like this. Anyone got any ideas ?
Local business not protecting its staff property

I would assume HSE?
That’s who checks my workplace is enforcing Covid regulations.

I believe this is correct. Any member of the public would be entitled to report this.

Thank you, that makes sense.

Please name the retailer if you’re comfortable they cannot trace the ‘leak’. I am fully supportive of using businesses in our community during these turbulent times. But I am avoiding those who do not follow guidelines. Naming them would be a public service.

Although I think one-way systems are stipulated as “best practice” and not compulsory. There would be a reporting form on the HSE website for H&S concerns of businesses to be logged.
Although given the number of times I have reported incidents (not Covid related) and their nonchalant responses I wouldn’t expect too much of them…

I would prefer that the retailer remains anonymous in this situation. While I don’t doubt the account given by @Thewrongtrousers, we don’t know the full story here and whether it is one bad manager or off-hand comment. Such a report could be damaging to the business and the retailer may not be available to tell their side of the story.
HSE has been pointed out as the right organisation to report such concerns, and they can investigate with due process.
Thank you.

We are going to get on to the HSE today and see what they have to say. Also, my missus suggested emailing local MP Vicky Foxcroft who from past experience we have found to be responsive and helpful.

A post was split to a new topic: Posting negative business reviews and feedback