Old sofa bed that has been recovered once which is now slightly faded, but ok apart from the cat scratches on the back as shown. These could be hidden with a throw - the arms are fine. Really, really comfy sofa and the bed mechanism is well made, but does make it very heavy. We’ll probably need to take out the bed element to bring down current stairs, so that might make this easier. Seems a shame to throw out as it is really comfy. We own a van, so can deliver to SE23 or nearby but will need help to get out of the van and we’re too old to help up stairs the other side! Labour to help this side could be useful too!
Archived on 6/5/2022
Old sofa-bed looking for new home (free)

28 Dec '20

24 Jan '21
Afraid not - was taken away by the council this week

25 Mar '21
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