Sorry to be a grumbler at this seasonal time of year, but I have a real gripe with Taymount Rise and the state it’s in … The bin area at the bottom of Taymout Rise has been really bad recently - people dumping rubbish there such as mattresses, TVs, TV aerials. The bins are for L&Q residents but it’s become a fly tipping hot spot. I think the foxes also get to the bins overnight as there are no lids on the large bin hoppers. The L&Q site manager said the mess was down to fly tippers and that this was the Council’s responsibility … The pavement’s unusable most days. And also, some thoughtless idiot has been letting their dog crap on the pavement half way down Taymount Rise. At least I hope it’s a dog! But I wish people would bag up their dog’s turds and not leave it to someone else to do.
The street’s become really nasty looking - such a shame as it used to be lovely.
Gripe / grumble done.
Taymount Rise - rubbish / litter / dog crap etc

I agree, it is becoming filthy at the end of Taymount Rise. I am not sure the filth at the bottom of the road is the fault of anyone other than local residents though, the bin area there is often over full and filthy, also would anyone really travel far to dump a matress when Lewisham Council collect them for free?

Agreed @HannahM - I think it’s local. Am dreading what it’s going to look like once the Christmas trees come down for us all. I really feel for the chap that sweeps the streets round here - people just need to be a tad more thoughtful of the environment in which we all live. I’ve never had a rant on a social platform before but this has really annoyed me (and the dog crap … ).

It doesn’t matter what part of the borough you’re in. Large banks of communal bins are always targeted by fly-tippers or small businesses (mostly the latter) who’re trying to cut costs. Down the road from me is a block called Milverton house and its communal bins are always a target.

I guess some people are canny enough to know where these communal places are so they can dump their shite there … There’s a pile of rubbish outside the flats near the Esso garage on London Road. God, I sound obsesed don’t I?! My dad has turned into one of those OAP Wombles - he lives in deepest Kent and when he walks the dogs each morning he goes litter picking as well.

You are right Swagger and we have similar issues with the bins at our flats. The problem with the bottom of Taymount Rise is the bin area for the flats is protected by a locked gate (presumably residents have a key) and rubbish is building up immediately outside the locked gate on the public pathway, attracting more rubbish.
Without wanting to cast a finger of blame there was a similar locked bin store area at a block of flats I lived in a few years ago. We also had rubbish building up outside on the pavement. After several threats of fines from the council the ManCo installed CCTV to catch the flytippers.
What they found was most of the “flytipping” was left by residents who had forgotten their key to the bin store or simply could not be bothered to open it.

agree-for weeks now the junction with London road has become strewn with litter and rotting food etc etc meaning you have to walk in the road to avoid it-
the street sweeper is very good but this is dumping of bags of rubbish and beyond his remit.
also I too have noticed big piles of dog crap on the pavement meaning its a gamble after dark whether you step in it or not-even if the dog owner is too lazy to bag her dogs poo he or she could at least get it pooing in the gutter but not on the middle of the pavement for everyone to tread in-I wonder if its worth messaging or local councillor about the dumping outside the flats on the corner?

@maxrocks I emailed L&Q and got a lovely reply from L&Q - she was v good, said the CCTV should stop this happening, but I don’t think it will. I’ll also pick up with the local councillor - good idea.

Theres a sign by the spot in question about fly tipping and CCTV the sign has been there ages and has never to my mind served as a deterrent as I’ve seen people taking bags of rubbish out of the backs of cars and lobbing it over the fence-but in the last month or so its become much much worse.

We are at the top of Taymount Rise and suffer from flytipping. Last month someone dumped some pallets and sacks of rubble just in the road.

Astounded @HannahM - that’s good to know for when I email the Councillors in the new year.

The matress is now by the bins and the pavement a lot cleaner. May be your emails were listened to!

Hmmmm. Hope so.

Couldn’t agree with you more. Also, I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s noticed the dog turd which is appearing. I have a sneaky suspicion which dog it is too.

Sadly I noticed somebody do this very thing. They weren’t necessarily flytipping, but they arrived with a bucket load of cardboard from a large order, parked their van, unloaded into the bins and then drove off. They didn’t care that I stood and watched them. They were also a young couple which surprised me (not sure why!).

Theres another single mattress appeared today on the same corner-
and some other debris near it

Hi all,
Here are the details of how to report fly-tipping - Love Lewisham is the quickest in terms of getting it to our cleansing team. If it keeps happening, please take pictures and send them to me ( - I can ask the cleansing team if stronger measures can be put in place.

Thanks Sophie. It is hard to know if it is external fly tippers or overspill from the L&Q bins (a bit of both I suspect - fly tippers are always quick to take advantage of any mess to add their own).