Happened on the 28th of December. Description of the suspect in the link:
Woman With Learning Difficulties Sexually Assaulted in Forest Hill

Thanks for sharing. How awful. I was driving around the area at that time and am trying to rack my brains as to whether I saw anything suspicious!

Latest update from News Shopper:

Go through the article and see how many spelling mistakes the so-called reporter has made. He even calls the area Forest Green.

I noticed although not surprised - it’s rare not to find a spelling mistake or incorrect fact on News Shopper. I sent a tweet to advise the “reporter” about about the incorrect location!

Cheap rags don’t have sub editors any more. The more diligent hacks probably rely on the ‘auto spell’ function

Most likely they were flustered as it’s back to school and online learning tomorrow!

Well at least they caught him that’s the main thing. Poor woman must have been traumatised, & would have ruined her Christmas.