Clap for Carers to return for third lockdown with inclusion of ‘heroes’

i thought this was the third wave…
I prefer this kind of third wave

So to bring this back to the actual topic, what do people think - will they be clapping for heros at 8pm?
- Yes
- No
- I will if my neighbors do
- Other (add comment below)
0 voters

I did it last time, but not again. Frankly I feel as if I being manipulated. I refuse to stand on my doorstep gurning at my neighbours and clapping like a peforming seal. I am too bloody cross about so much of this. I have had enough. Grrrr.

That’s all well and good, but did you bag a discounted meal out?

It’s probably best if I leave it there Beige.

NHS staff are not encouraging people to clap. It was on the news tonight that they think it will encourage people to socialise. It’s too cold for that!
We haven’t (too cold). We now have a WhatsApp group for our road now & nothing was posted anyway.
I do think it was sad though that the woman who originally suggested the clapping has had a use hurled at her & her family. What is their problem? I bet they don’t identify themselves either!

That’s “social media” for you.

This doctor doesn’t seem too keen on being clapped.

Clap for carers, pox for patients.

It was symbolic the first time round and I joined in. Carers have gone above and beyond for almost a year and had no financial reward. And none on the horizon whilst it appears that billions have been spent with cronies of the government with no expertise or products on PPE. And that’s just the start of my rant… Added to which the first clapping session was in the warmth and daylight and now at 8 p.m. it’s dark and freezing. I am incredibly garetful for our NHS staff, all our emergency services people, cleaners everywhere, food shop staff and all the people who work in schools. And I really feel for all f those people who are out of a job through no fault of their own particularly in the arts and enertainment and hospitality industries along with fitness staff and beauticians in all avenues of hair etc - just to note it seems that a lot of businesses run by women in this area can’t operate. We have established that keeping places clean is vital but I have yet to hear that cleaners are likely to receive more than the statutory living wage let alone the London living wage.

Can’t wait to see all the virtue signallers outside Downing Street after all this has finished demanding an increase in wages for cleaners, carers and various other unskilled jobs.

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