Okay, I’m a born and bred SW Londoner but I’d like to view the lounge as a bone fide SE23 employee. I’ve added my profile photo, what next?
Lurking on the lounge

Hi @meadow!
I think you either need to get your account verified, noting the electronic option maybe the only practical one during lockdown, or get more involved in the site by reading a few more topics, looking a few posts and posting some of your own. Then you may reach the automatic criteria for lounge access.

Not sure if AFC Wimbledon supporters are admitted to the inner sanctum (aka the lounge) …

They have their own secret VIP area!

If it is possible ( and I am still not sure that it is) then perhaps it could be on a probationary basis. Only kidding Meadow !


Hmm. I don’t know enough about the area although I do visit the forum on an almost daily basis. I’m between a rock and a hard place as my employer’s social media policy is very clear and I won’t post anything that could be construed as detrimental to them.

I believe the lounge is open to ‘regulars’. This explains how to become one.
Good luck on your quest. I hope you are not disappointed with the rewards.

Our exact criteria don’t match the defaults, though it is the ‘regulars’ level (TL3) that gets access, among a few other things. We also don’t publish the exact criteria because I think it’s better if things grow more organically and are discovered along the way, rather than being ‘gamed’. That said, in working towards a higher trust level, I guess it could be fun and something that increases engagement, though maybe only in the short term.
Yep, the #lounge category isn’t the busiest, but it does have the occasional gem like the “Sex is pretty gratifying topic”