My car started playing up on my way to HOP on Sunday. I’m not comfortable with the idea of nursing it home to CR4 it case it breaks down and I’ve been relying on public transport as an alternative. Is the car workshop near the post office any good or should I be looking at Icthus? Either way. I need someone within walking distance - no more than 20 minute’s walk from HOP.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Car Mechanic recommendation please?

19 Jan '21

19 Jan '21
We used Itchus for years and always found them good - they are pretty popular (or were pre-lockdown).

19 Jan '21
Another possibility is Rodney Garage, similar walking distance from HOP. They have looked after my cars for many years and have never let me down.

19 Jan '21
Thank you.

19 Jan '21
Agree with Rodney Garages, I’ve used them for a few years and they’ve been good.

19 Jan '21
Took our car to Rodney Garage for an MoT this weekend and happy to recommend them again.

19 Jan '21
I’ve always used Dartmouth Service Station and found them to be great. A bit the other side of Forest Hill but might be worth a go if others can’t help