Lewisham now taking bookings for over 65s first vaccination - UPDATE all over 70s offered vaccine

I had my first vaccination today. I did not feel a thing.
Please book your vaccination when you come to the front of the queue!

Jenner Practice featured below. I went their today to get some stiches out and was impressed with all the volunteers already there getting ready to help - great to see.
Vaccine experiences: “efficient and virtually painless”
We have been talking to Lewisham residents and health workers, who have received the COVID-19 vaccine, about their experiences. As more people are vaccinated in the borough, we’re reducing the risk the virus poses to ourselves, our loved ones and the most vulnerable in our community. Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham, volunteered in the vaccination team at the Jenner Centre in Forest Hil

All over 70s in Lewisham have now been offered the vaccine, acccoring to the Lewisham Council \ Mayor Weekly update email.
The NHS in Lewisham has now offered the COVID vaccine to everyone aged 70 or over, all frontline health and social care workers, and people who are ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’. If you know anyone in these categories (vaccine priority groups One to Four) who hasn’t yet had the vaccination, please encourage them to book their vaccination online or call 119.
People aged 65 to 69, as well as those who are clinically vulnerable (at moderate risk), are now being contacted by the NHS with invitations for a vaccine. If you know anyone who falls into this category, please encourage them to book their COVID-19 vaccination online or call 119. Find out more on the South East London CCG website.

I had mine at the Jenner (61 and at moderate risk) they were fantastic.
cant praise them enough.
They were very well organised and everyone was friendly as well which makes a big difference.
I felt like a human being not that I was on a conveyor belt
Many thanks to all the volunteers and staff it was an emotional moment.

Although I don’t hit the 65 -69 age group for another 9 days I received my letter from the NHS on Monday advising me I can now book the vaccine online. However when I started the process it states that bookings are for those 65 and over. You have to enter your date of birth and although I’m not quite 65 it did allow me to go through to the next stage of selecting the centre I want to go to before it then displayed the appointment dates and times available. It seems they’re trying to encourage us to go to the mass vaccination centres to allow GP’s to handle the clinically vulnerable group who are being invited at the same time. The closest and easiest to reach vaccination centre from Forest Hill seems to be the Lessof Auditorium in Lewisham Hospital. However it does state that if you prefer to go to your GP then you’ll need to wait until they contact you directly.

I have already had mine (being clinicallly vlilmerable) but my husband who is 64 got a letter last week. He went in line but because he was offered Lewisham hospital & wanted to go to the Tessa Jowell centre the same as me, he rang our GP (Forest Hill road) & they sent him a link. He had it done last Saturday.