So it’s pancake day, but we are delaying ours til Thursday so does anyone have any photos of their pancakes and suggestions? Will it be crepes or American pancakes?
Pancake photos and suggestions!

Surely pancakes are pancakes. I don’t know what an ‘American pancake’ is - I hope we’re not being threatened with yet another transatlantic takeover of a venerable English institution.

What Is the Difference Between Crepes and Pancakes ? They both usually start as flour-based batters enriched with milk and eggs that’s poured onto a skillet, griddle, or pan and cooked until firm enough to roll or flip, but American -style pancakes are thick and fluffy, while French crêpes are wafer-thin and delicate
from :Pancake v Crepe
I vote crêpes everytime, but I’m part french…

Honey, lemon and sugar for me.

I make American pancakes sometimes, but never on pancake day, when I make ‘English’ ones. I would never make ‘English’ pancakes not on pancake day.

I made a change tonight, Nutella and Golden Syrup. There is no going back now!

I’m a Nutella lover when it comes to pancakes but didn’t have any in the house. I improvised by attempting to melt some pieces of Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut whilst the pancake was still warm… not my finest hour I must say.

Sounds like a win to me!

We had lemon, honey & raisins just for me & my husband!