Donations can me made to any amount at the bottom of their page: London Road Forest Border - Horniman Museum and Gardens
Horniman: London Road Tree Planting Appeal

What a lovely idea. I will definitely donate, the Horniman has been a real hero in lockdown providing us with a lovely calm place to walk and relax

It was our go to place for so many years when the kids were young, it almost felt like we lived there.
This is a great idea - le’ts hope they get the money they need.

They made it! The £10k target was met already (they are at about £12k today), so they have doubled it to £20k to additionally cover the costs of maintaining the trees for the first five years after planting:

Up to £13,367k at present, good going.

Great news - they’ve made £20k!
They are still accepting donations: London Road Forest Border - Horniman Museum and Gardens

Most excitingly the Horniman has published some more info on the design for the micro-forest it previously raised funds for, and it looks like early works have started on-site to prepare for planting:
I found some more info on the Miyazaki method here:

There was a nice interview with Errol on Friday’s Gardeners question time talking about this. If you don’t want to listen to the whole program, I think it started around 17 minutes and 20 seconds in.