Horniman Gardens & Paths Closed today

Apparently the temporary closure is just to allow exhibits to be moved into the museum for the next big family exhibition, which may be something to do with this:

I need a coffee, I just read that as:
monkey wearing business suit

@promofaux - reading your comment nearly made me choke on my coffee with laughter.
It’s a big closure for presumably the access road and museum. I wonder if they’re taking the opportunity to do some other big jobs in the gardens that are easier without people around - tree maintenance etc.

Related, note that under current lockdown plans, The Horniman won’t be opening until 2021-05-16T23:00:00Z. Nick Merriman, Chief Executive of Horniman Museum & Gardens has been tweeting about this unfairness:
One hopes common sense will prevail and the Horniman will be able to open sooner, but if not, there’s always this humorous suggestion as a plan B:

It does seem deeply unfair. All the galleries and museums we went to in the summer were really well organised in terms of distancing and limiting numbers.
I am desperate to get back to seeing art and culture and I know museums and galleries really need the financial support, it seems like madness.

And as I said on another thread the Horniman has been an absolute hero in lockdown, I think Frederick Horniman would be very proud of how his legacy has helped the people of London so much in the last year.

I think he would indeed.
I’m kinda hopeful that common sense will prevail about re-opening - if it comes to the attention of the right people (I’m trying to find out who those people might be before making any wild suggestions).
I suppose it might just be the free areas which are a concern, but the ticketed spaces shouldn’t be any problem as numbers can be controlled and people asked to distance. Perhaps they just need to sell tickets for a penny or something for the general galleries until restrictions are removed?

That’s what a lot of places did. The Tate Modern required you to book free timed slots. We went to the De La Warr Pavillion in August and their rather ingenious solution was bookable 2.5 hour sessions. Once in you could use your slot to wander round the building, visit the cafe and gift shop or just take in the views. Once it was done everyone had to leave and staff closed for 30 mins to clean before the next session.

I totally agree-all along I’ve been at a loss to see how galleries and museums can be lumped in with shops and other commercial concerns.
For starters: They can operate on a timed entry system and limit the amount of numbers in the building at any given time.
Museums and Galleries almost always have a member of staff in each gallery room for security and also to stop people taking photos when not permitted-these same staff can be deployed to also ensure social distancing around exhibits and that the visitors adhere to mask wearing within the space.
In fact I would add that Museums and Galleries are MUCH more safe to visit in a pandemic for the reasons I’ve mentioned than retail which is allowed to open on 12th April.
My friend who lives in New york went to the Met the other day to see an exhibition she said she felt very safe due to timed entry mask wearing and social distancing being enforced.
I really feel our government has not actually really thought through many aspects of Lockdown and the easing of it.
Also it seems that the value of culture (in the form of galleries and museums ) and learning is greatly under appreciated by the powers that be.
When it was too wet and cold to go on a daily walk I’m sure adults and children alike would have gained enormously by visiting a museum or art gallery-The catering facilities could have been closed within them so I really cease to understand the skewed logic in stifling our access to culture.
Also think of the many millions saved in furlough payments if they had been opened.
Sorry to ‘go on a bit’ about this it has upset me in every lockdown and this one most of all.

It’s also fine to go into shops with strangers (probably not social distanced either) but not fine to see your family. The whole thing is a farce.