We need someone to help with tidying the flowerbeds - removing moss and hand weeding. The garden is quite large, so plenty to do. It doesn’t need to be a qualified gardener but some experience of gardening is required.
Help in the garden needed

Hello there. My daughter is a gardener and she might be interested in something like this, or if not she would know someone who is. PM if you would like me to ask her.

Thanks for the message. We’d be very grateful if you could ask your daughter if she or her friend could help us. Regards Irene

I will ask her and get back to you.

Thanks very much. I can’t find a private way to send you our phone number, so I’ll keep an eye on this thread.

I imagine @Thewrongtrousers can initiate a conversation with irg, but not the other way round (due to his ‘trust level’).

Already created


Did you get my message Irene ? its not easy to tell from my end

I can see your replies on this thread on the website but I haven’t had an email from you.

Hi @irg - if you are expecting email notifications, you may need to check your email notification settings but clicking on you ‘I’ icon at the top right, selecting Preferences → Emails.
You should have had a green blob on the same ‘I’ icon at the top right informing you of any waiting messages though.

Hi, my wife, Tineke, is “The Forest Hill Gardener” - if you would like her to pop round and have a chat about maintenance work then please feel free to call her on 07748 653876.