Finches break in, arrest and stolen bike recovered

Brilliant news - and well done to the Police!
It’s intriguing that the bike was recovered so far away and so quickly. Did it have a tracker on it or did the thief get on a train with it and left a trail of CCTV?

I believe all these types of bikes have trackers fitted in them to stop incidents such as these occurring.

£6000 for a push bike? Seriously?

Yep! Like any hobby, the more you get into it, the more specialist kit you want (not that you can necessarily afford it). So for people really getting into triathlons and time trials / road racing etc where seconds, performance and sometimes having a cool bike matters you get to here. I wouldn’t spend that much on a bike that said! When I did triathlons I did see a quote, I suspect aimed at people like me, that said don’t spend extra £ on buying an expensive bike for it to weigh a bit less as opposed to me more easily losing that weight myself! For those that are committed though it will be worth it to beat that time, qualify for x race etc.

Cheaper than other top-end bikes I’ve seen in the last year or so. You’d be shocked at how much some people pay for Swiss watches!

A friend has an electric mountain bike, awesome thing. £7,500 of awesome

Really glad to hear this as I love Finches, the shop and the people. One of the places I really miss.
I think the highest cost production bike I have seen is the Pinarello Dogma F12 at 12,000 although there are many near that price. However the Storck Fascenario 3 Platinum Aston Martin rocks in at 14,500 but it is a limited run.
Someone paid $500,000 for this

The full story has some (grainy) CCTV as well as a picture of the £8,000 bike, as well as the family standing proudly outside their shop.

A great outcome.