Pat and Rob’s Food Emporium

Looks like this opened today!

It is from the same guys as Donde.

Nice place and the coffee isn’t bad either:
There’s a door through to Donde and the manager explained that they have decided to open the shop in response to the pandemic. They have an eclectic range of products, fruit and veg, cereals, and also some housewares and cleaning products. It’s all very colourful with few brands I recognised but lots I want to try.
I wish them the best of luck in these tough times. Definitely worth a look if you are passing.

Are they still doing ice cream?

I saw a picture from inside elsewhere and there was definitely some ice cream, I think from Hackney.

I think so, yes.

Great, the ice cream is delicious and closer to me than the also delicious ice cream at la querce

Went there this week. Very nice bread and cakes. Also sells some of the Donde tapas to take home. Albondigas! Love it. Worth a visit if you’re in HOP.

I must admit the coffee is nice from Donde new shop has well.
Nice layout much better then before that is my personal view. Different and much needed well done!!

Delicious smoked mackerel and horseradish pate. Good fresh veg. Also does pasta by weight and refils of detergent. Catford honey too.

BAnanas are cheaper in there than in Sainsbury’s FYI.

Sometime later, but it’s sunny today at last and this looks tempting:

I actually had an ice cream from there today. Cherry Bakewell, delicious.