I’m looking for an artist studio or similar space (havelock walk style would be great) 300-500sq ft to either rent or buy, with permission for a music studio to be built within. Preferably Brockley/Forest Hill/Dulwich/Peckham. A lot of great creative community workspaces in SE although hard to find availability as people seem to hold onto them for the long term!
Looking for Artist studio to Rent/Buy

Could try 118 stanstead road, but not sure they have units of that size available.

Thanks for the recommendation, I’ve sent them a message

Good luck with this - but you might find 300 sq ft a bit restricting after doing the necessary soundproofing.
By the way, what’s your budget?

Thanks John, happy to PM some more details if you know of anywhere suitable

This is a bit out of your preferred area and although it’s stated as being 250 sq ft I’m convinced that it’s probably nearer double that. It’s not mine by the way, just something I’ve seen advertised.
Unfortunately, all of my units in Forest Hill are occupied but you’re welcome to give me your details in case anything crops up before you’re set.

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