[Sorted] Found: Child’s cuddly toy

I’ve shared on @SE23.life (5,170 followers) - let’s hope this cute little creature can find it’s owner

I’ve got to the bottom of it. Apparently it’s a promotional thing to promote children’s collectables. Not that any of my colleagues bothered to tell me. Why would they do that??? Please feel free to delete the tweet and lock this thread.

Oh well, at least there’s no sad child missing this cuddly at least. I’ll take that as a happy ending

I thought that the major supermarkets had signed up to stop having pester-power products at checkouts… or was that just for unhealthy items like sweets?

Pester power is different things to different people. As a parent and now grandparent my struggle was 'mum, I’m hungry". I’d then offer certain options and if that wasn’t good enough, they’d go without. Parents shouldn’t be afraid to say no to their children. I’ve been doing it for nigh on 30 years.

My Nana’s reply to “I’m hungry” was always, “Are you really hungry or just ‘nice hungry’?”