A cocker spaniel was stolen today on Perry Vale around 11:30am. If you have any information on this, or saw the theft please report it. Contact numbers on the DogLost site.
[Found] Stolen Dog from Perry Vale - Wednesday 10th March

Update. Apparently the theft took place on Perry Vale.

Terrible to hear that. I’ve shared on our social channels:
@SE23.life (5,120 followers)
@SE23_Tweets (590 followers)
@SE23Dogs (100 followers)

Be sure to tell the police. They will put someone right on it

Just awful, poor family. I would be going out of my mind in their situation. Will keeo my eyes peeled! Hope they are reunited soon! X

There is something particularly disgusting with stealing people’s pets, which sadly seems increasingly common, certainly with dogs.
Fingers crossed for a reunion.

People are the worst.

Any description of the thieves? Was the theft witnessed by the family?

Exactly. My cousin’s half sister took in a rescue puppy who saved her daughter from drowning in a swimming pool at a campsite many years ago and he was stolen. That dog was literally family who was in all the family photos up until his theft. They mourned his disappearance like you would a human. The only small condolence was that he fathered a litter that they got first refusal on. Furthermore, how tragic of a person do you have to be to spend all day cruising around looking for a dog to snatch? Go and get an effing job!
Some days I genuinely wish that the Romans were still in charge of meting out justice in this country.

So awful to hear about. I really hope she’s found safe and sound.
If any of my family’s pups had gone, we’d all be devastated.

Just awful. Dogs are family, not possessions.

wholeheartedly agree.
I feel so sad about this poor dog I had trouble sleeping last night for worrying about her and her family.
humans can be scum when it comes to money and greed.

Just checked the post and she’s been found!

Fantastic news!

Brilliant news xx


This is amazing. I am so pleased for them!

So so pleased she has been found.

Praise the lord !

Thank God, some good news.

Oh WOW! at last some good news!
Praise the lord!

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