Looks like it’s under offer and there’s some workmen working on the windows. And guesses what it’s going to be?
Old Barclays Bank

No idea but I don’t see a planning application on Lewisham’s website, so perhaps something that doesn’t require approval for change of use?
This is the use class that includes banks:
“A2 Financial and professional services -** Financial services such as banks and building societies, professional services (other than health and medical services) and including estate and employment agencies. It does not include betting offices or pay day loan shops - these are now classed as “sui generis” uses”
Perhaps it will be an estate agent? Are there any that don’t already have an office in FH?!

It was being marketed as A2 back in October '20. Here’s a link to the old topic which has pictures of the insides: Inside the old Barclays Bank (with plans)

The advert used to say “My bank is now a trendy wine bar.”!

Just when you think there can’t be any more Estate Agents they continue to appear. So wouldn’t surprise me.

Is there an estate agent that only finds properties for soon-to-be estate agents? Maybe they need a new office. How meta.

You are out of date.
It now comes under Class E.

Until July
for the purpose of interpreting permitted development rights to 31 July 2021

Incorrect - it has nothing to do with permitted development rights. The Use Classes Order has been overhauled - it’s the biggest change in planning for a considerable period.

Let’s just all agree it should be a speakeasy bar.

Or an M&S


But it could be tough on people who’ve bought flats above normal retail or office (ex A1 and A2) premises who could now see the mortgageability of their property drop considerably if they end up with a cafe below.

Info on the changes here, though it still seems a little ambiguous how exactly it maps: https://www.planningportal.co.uk/info/200130/common_projects/9/change_of_use
I guess it’s recognises that high street banks are an anachronism and so best let the properties be used in some other way without having to go through change of use every time.

Like anything there are consequences - unintended or otherwise. Remember that it does not cover development/ material operations - so flues for instance or external changes (That require permission in the normal course of events) will still need permission-Something needed to change…

I appreciate that, as well as your comment “Something needed to change”, but I’ve found that the govt are increasingly banging-out these broad brush measures without giving due consideration. One glaring example is where landlords have been given the right to turn a normal terraced family house, for instance, into a 6 bedroom house of multiple occupation, which gives the LL an monthly income of £4,200 (or more!) instead of the £1,300 pm rent on a single dwelling whilst being hugely disruptive and upsetting for the immediate neighbours, and even the wider neighbourhood. It’s now got to the point where many local authorities are having to combat this scourge by bringing in Article 4 Directions to stop these conversions.

I agree on the intensity of HMOs - some locations / site specifics will work, others will not - especially where there becomes a concentration.

Anyone have an update?
I’d guess no good for an estate agent as the windows are so high up…

Yes, thankfully, the window cills are about 500mm too high (compared with a similar frontage of Pedders at Crystal Palace)
and, hopefully, the cost of altering the marble work and Crittal windows to an acceptable standard in the conservation area would be prohibitive.
(By the way - how did they get away with that hideous entrance doorway?!)

Probably claimed the entrance was needed for all abilities to use.

Good shout.

Any further ideas of what this is going to be used for?

Looks like there are scaffolding towers inside, stud walls going up and a suspended ceiling going in.
It seems like a bit of a waste of the space to put in such a low suspended ceiling (it’s half way across the windows by the looks of things), but perhaps necessary to prevent the rooms being eccentrically taller than they are wide.
Still no clue as to what its going to be though!

I wonder if they’ve bothered to contemplate the prospect and practicality of putting some sort of a mezzanine in there - even if it’s for some ancillary use?

Have any of the Dartmouth or London Road traders heard anything about what’s coming?
No planning applications for any external work on the portal, at least.

Apparently it will be a Dentist

And there I was,hoping for a wine bar/fishmonger/M&S. I mean I know teeth are important but……

That makes sense - I guess at least down in the vault no one can hear you scream!!

We have spoken to the builders today and they have confirmed it’ll be a dentist.

Aw, there’s already >3 dentists in FH.

Maybe the one above the bookies with the smashed door is moving…

That’s what I’ve been hoping for - purely to facilitate the reshaping of the pavement outside, where it’s not only a bottleneck, but also on a dodgy camber.
Once the upper part is empty, it would be so much easier to remodel the front of the building.

You would hope the council would demolish the post office and the bookies building on that corner such as the plans the FHS came up with and open up that space.

There might be but it’s still difficult to get an appointment unless it’s an emergency!

Hi any one know the name of the dentist and has it opened yet?

We are with Smiles for you in Crofton Park. I had to beg for an appointment for a check up after being hospitalised in the summer! I did need to see thr hygenist as well, so not a wasted appointment.
As has been said they are still just seeing emergencies.