Hi there,
Does anyone know if there’s a secret to getting into the se23 mums Facebook group!? I’ve tried to join several times and request is always pending. Baby is due imminently and feel like I must be missing out on vital se23 mums information!
Archived on 6/5/2022
Se23 Mums

5 Apr '21

5 Apr '21
Hi @Ames
I think there are just 2 admins, so requests can get lost and / or I’m not sure they always get through.
If you message me your facebook name I can try and tag the admins which sometimes works - it’s Easter of course and they have families etc so might not be an immediate answer but ususually works.
And good luck for the birth!

5 Apr '21
Thanks, that’s really kind. Can’t see to message you, are you able to enable it for me for this time?

5 Apr '21
I’ve just messaged you, you should see it top right with a green icon.

5 Apr '21
i’ve tried to get people from here accepted, to no avail. Would suggest trying the newer, but no less gender specific , ‘Forest Hill Mums’ group.