Thoughts on bric-a-brac sale on Waldram Park Road

Case for Lewisham council enforcement team but no chance on a Sunday,is it worth reporting on FixMyStreet ?

I don’t think the enforcement team exists anymore. At least I’ve had no response from them a number of times going over a year.

Have they just put the contents of number 20 out on the street corner for people to peruse/take whatever they want? Is there someone there from 20 keeping an eye?

Reminds me of the street stalls around Portobello Road in the 70’s or Brick Lane Sunday market in the late 90s.
But stuff on that pasting table on the adverse camber looks like an accident on the South Circular waiting to happen.
Apart from the particular location, I’d love to see a sort of informal flea market stalls thing on a Saturday or Sunday all around Forest Hill - Dartmouth Rd pools walkway and along the frontage of Heron House and Sylvan Post, Havelock Walk and the bottom end of Perry Vale and from the subway to the car park.

The Willow Way depot site would be a great place for a market.

The owner was selling a bunch of junk and it was so rammed I had to walk on the south circular. I’ve also noticed tonight on my way home that the left over bits that didn’t sell has been dumped across the street. Charming.
The recently abandoned car wash would make a good flea market.

Isn’t that fly tipping?

Leaves no room to social distant

Thoughts? Hideous, and an impediment to using the pavement if you’re pushing a pram or a wheelchair user.

Yes truly even me who lives upstairs had to ask them to move so I could get put with rubbish

To do this sort of thing do u need licence

Very much indeed

I would have thought so, but I’m not 100% sure. Certainly would be shut down if the council or police turned up.