DC/19/110957 dated 5 August 2019 for the erection of a building, rising to 6 storeys, comprising commercial floorspace (Use Class A1/A2/A3/B1) and 22 dwellings above, with associated landscaping, disabled and cycle parking, servicing and refuse facilities at Land at Waldram Crescent to the rear of 1-17 Stanstead Rd, London, SE23 :- in order to include a nursery
Council Yard development

It looks like there is a more recent application - DC/21/121587 - which seeks to modify the original permission a little, though it looks quite technical and I’m not exactly sure what it means. I think they are doing an additional groundwater / geological and contamination survey to try and amend or remove some of the conditions on the original planning permission. It doesn’t look like the building use or structure is proposed to change from what was granted.
There was also a previous change made to the 2019 planning to allow for the ground floor nursery, commented over here: Street food at the Waldram Crescent site - #14 by ForestHull

So that sounds like another well thought out proposal for 22 dwellings and, let’s assume conservatively, 20 cars with nowhere to park plus delivery lorries to the commercial units that’ll just stop on the South Circular. Do these people live in the real world?

A ground floor nursery next to the South Circ wouldn’t be my cup of tea either, but perhaps they can seal the front or maintain positive air pressure to keep any fumes out. Still, I don’t think that particular issue, of exact use, is a planning concern (though maybe it should be).