Hi all,
I am considering moving to Howson road but I noticed that it is close to two railways; the one that runs through Brockley and the Catford loop line that runs through Crofton Park. A couple of trains went by while I was there, the Brockley one was almost unnoticeable because I think the rail is sunken in that place, but the Catford loop one was quite a bit noisier. Does anyone else lives on that street or along Catford loop, and how do you find it? Does freight run on this line throughout the night?
Thank you for your help!
Living near railway track on Howson road

I don’t live near there but you could always check this live map at various times to see if any trains are on that line.

Thank you this is really useful! Do you know if it also shows freight trains, or is it only passengers trains?

I’ve no idea, I just remembered the site was posted by a trainspotting friend of mine.
Update; you can search freight trains on here, under TOC select ZZ freight
This is Brockley today

The only time you’ll find freight trains on the line through Brockley will be during engineering works. However the Catford Loop line regularly has freight going through.

Thank you Flora! How regularly are we talking and is it at night? And how do you feel about the noise if the tracks backs up on your garden? Thank you!

Thank you! Looks like about 4-5 a day…

Many years ago I moved into a flat that backed onto the railway in Forest Hill and for the first week I thought, “O M G - what have I done!”, but within 2 or 3 weeks the train noise became more and more unnoticeable.
You only have to look at how many homes there are near railway lines to know that it can’t be as bad as people would naturally assume it to be.

My grandmother had a house next to a railway line and the A2. You get used to the noise.
I am between two railway lines about a mile from each. Some evenings I can hear trains.

Hey! I live on Perry Vale RIGHT opposite the station, so I get the stationary trains as well as the engineering ones and freight trains… and I agree that you kind of get used to train noise after a few weeks. Freight really isn’t that frequent. Engineering works can be a pain, that’s my only watchout, as they tend to take place overnight.