FREE STUFF! Vestris Rd SE23

Most of these things have gone except
Black Garden table
Kids sand table
There is now also a
Kids wheelbarrow
Kids hoopla set
I will continue to update this over the next few days, keep your eyes peeled

And a bag of garden bark

Last free stuff remaining!
Kids play mats
Bar drip trays
Plastering sand
Seedling pots
Vinyl singles box
Kindling and firewood
Cutlery trays
Glass bottles and jars
Kids magnetic alphabet and numbers
Brewing/distilling flip top bottles
Baking tins
French/german grammar booms
Biscuit tin
Paper bags
Collection half way up Vestris road forest hill
Will all be recycled tomorrow if no takers

Late to see this - has the book shelf gone?

Everything has gone now I’m afraid

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