Does anyone know a good one which serves the SE23 area? I have a campervan (not a big thing, it’s a 7-seater Mazda Bongo conversion and really not much bigger than a large family car) which needs a wash and interior clean, no water supply to do it myself, am baulking at £75 quote I got from a specialist company. Thanks for any help
Archived on 6/5/2022
Good local car wash / mobile valet company?

23 Jun '21

23 Jun '21
I’ve used Dropless who are great. They don’t need water & turn up on a moped with everything they need. Plus they come to you. I was really impressed with their service.

24 Jun '21
The carwash place on Church Vale next to Parris Cues washed a long wheelbase company van inside and out for £25 a few years ago.

24 Jun '21
These guys are based in Forest Hill and offer mobile valet services: