Donde now The Flower Cafe

This must a record for rebrands in the same location with the same owner (I assume!).
Looks nice.


Gave this place a visit the other day, you won’t be surprised to learn that it smells lovely, but the drinks and atmosphere were good too.

Is it a bit confusing that Ground and grapes next door is also covered in flowers? If you were to say “meet at that flower cafe” I’m not sure if you would know which one!
Both look great though, HOP is the place to be if you like flowers with your coffee.

Though sadly the Honor Oak Florist opposite is moving to SE15

That’s the second florist gone then as the one next to the greengrocers has relocated to Ladywell, which is a bit of a shame. Always found the Honor Oak Florist a bit grumpy though so usually go to Rosie’s in Brockley which is only a five minute walk. I always did wonder if there was enough business for three in such close proximity.

I’ve never found the staff in Rosies particularly friendly. If I’ve wanted flowers for a special occasion I have always gone to Honor Oak. Lisa the manager is always friendly, but go to admit the other lady can be a bit grumpy. It’s such a shame though that they are locating to Peckham. First I heard of it.
I hope yet another Estate agent doesn’t take its place!

So true off put behaviour I take my money elsewhere and I do! So sad they are going loved getting my flowers from there. Though I have also gotten them from a few other fab places. Won’t be the same passing looking at the display seeing what catches my eye. But Donde and Pat Robs Emporium is looking on point lovely x

It seems like the flower shop has had to close. Sad to hear, I was enjoying the deli and its delights

That’s a real shame, they’ve been here in one guise or another for a long time. Fingers crossed the lease negotiations conclude swiftly…

I wonder why Jason didn’t give details of the new venture.

Sad news. It’s been a fixture in one incarnation or another for years. Hope the space doesn’t remain empty for long…

Indeed, I think it was Try tapas when we first went many moons ago.

Yes! With the purple frontage. Then Trypatisserie? Or Tapatisserie?

I thought it went to just ‘Try’ for a bit, then your options sound familiar, Donde of course, something mole, was that when they did burgers?

Way back it was originally called Tapestry

Think this might be the issue. Been through so many incarnations they haven’t found one that works. Such a shame as I thought its most recent setup was the best. Two spoons, Rise and Grounds & Grapes often busy so there’s enough business to go round. With landlords often increasing existing tenants rent to silly levels to force them out and allow them to pursue other ventures/plans sadly it is almost inevitable. Hope they can get it sorted and keep the business open!

It would seem that the lease negotiations referred to on the sign in the window (see 25th Feb post above) haven’t gone well. Jason is selling various bits of the fixtures and fittings on Facebook!