Missing Cat [Found]

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What a beautiful cat, I hope he comes home! What’s his name?

He’s called Baxendale. Have spent the afternoon knocking on doors but no sign yet…

Very relieved to say, he arrived home at 3.39am this morning! Completely dry and not at all hungry, but missing his collar, which suggests he hadn’t been lost out in the undergrowth or shut in a shed, more likely taking advantage of someone else’s hospitality… He’s being locked inside today! Thanks for the messages and anyone who was looking out.

Pleased to hear Baxendale found his way home this morning. Although there are a fair few cats in Sunderland Road I can’t recall seeing a Siamese before - he’s a handsome boy!

This is great news. You must be so relieved. Hopefully he’s seen the error of his ways and is giving you all extra kitty cuddles!

Great news! Glad he found his way home

best news of the day.

Looks like he is celebrating being home with a beer, cheers!