Split topic to discuss the habits and ignorance of some road users in the area.
Road users, and reading road signs

I always seem to get gyp when driving down those lanes out of operation hours. It’s almost like people don’t read the street signs. I got some serious verbal a while back after driving past everyone in the outside lane which didn’t abate when I pointed out it wasn’t a bus lane at the time.

Much like when turning right from the left-hand lane outside Forest Hill station. There is a sign just after the railway bridge saying to use both lanes for the South Circ. And the left-hand lane is marked for both straight ahead and right turns. And yet I constantly get really aggressive abuse for doing it. Many cars refuse to let me filter in, boxing me in behind a bus, leaning on their horns and yelling out their windows because they think I’m cutting in.
One or two such drivers have been perturbed to have me then tailgating them down the road, leaning on MY horn and not letting up. For miles. And miles. Yes, I know I shouldn’t, but it makes me really mad. And I have automatic braking…

Perhaps time for a topic split @RachaelDunlop, but I’ve seen similar behaviour on that right turn and am slightly bemused by it. Nothing worse than people in the wrong who think they’re in the right.
The fact is that once you turn, there’s really very little space for both lanes to merge into one, and generally you’ve just passed someone on the left who is now expected to yield. Sadly, all of our basic instincts about road use suggest that passing on the left is not nice.
I don’t think the use of both lanes to turn right is sensible for anyone in a normal car - a bus or a lorry with a larger turning circle would make more sense.

I had that this morning, a guy in a ratty blue Peugeot was really not happy and would not let me merge. So I let him go and merged behind him. Radio on, windows down and relaxed. No reason to get het up and I carried on.

Agreed, @Dave. Buses and larger vehicles HAVE to take the left-hand lane, and everyone hangs back to allow them. Ordinary sized cars need to filter quickly or get stuck behind a bus stopped at the Capitol. Many drivers gleefully think I’ve got my comeuppance for cutting up the outside lane when that happens. I tend not to take the outside lane anymore unless the tailback in the right-hand lane is considerably longer.

That would be my default position. I make an exception when I get graphic sexist abuse shouted at me. And I mean graphic.

I agree, the bus lane dash really does get up peoples noses. If they cant be arsed to look at the street signs and like traffic that’s up to them. I had this when motorbikes were first allowed in bus lanes. Had a bus driver give me a real earful. Luckily we were near a sign which I pointed to him. “Grumble, grumble grumble”. I gave him a finger waggle and went on my way.

If you get that kind of abuse, lick you lips and blow them a kiss. Mrsldrz has done that. The shocked look is worth it.

I love the dumb people out there. Especially coming up the A205 from Dulwich, after 7pm, the nice people patiently waiting. How sweet…[quote=“RachaelDunlop, post:11, topic:1818”]
Much like when turning right from the left-hand lane outside Forest Hill station. There is a sign just after the railway bridge saying to use both lanes for the South Circ.
Yup, same here again, amazing the number of people who don’t take the time to read any signs, but still demand they are in the right.

I think this comes down to quality of road design. If the road layout and markings cause confusion and/or conflict every time traffic flows through the light, then it is poor road design. As noted by others, there are usually one or more busses stopped or queuing to pull away outside the capital (the bus stops and then parking spaces further up mean that the left lane is not functional).
There are no guide markings on the road for the two lanes of traffic cornering to the right, so this makes some of the traffic anxious (yes, I’m sure that some reading will say that they think that it is fine, so it is obviously fine for everyone, but those readers will have driven through it countless times). It is assumed that the two lines of traffic can continue after the corner, which is generally not the case as mentioned above, so there is no road marking that the left lane should merge, which would pacify drivers and reduce conflict.
I believe that the current junction was widened a long time ago to permit trams to navigate through. It is now unnecessarily large, which also makes it inefficient as a large volume of traffic one the junction has to be allowed to pass through, which increases the time between light traffic light phases. It is unpleasant to navigate through Forest Hill (when heading in a direction towards the Horniman) as the two lanes of queuing traffic are very tight and then have to speed through the green light, swing round a corner parallel to another lane of traffic only to see that one of the lanes is blocked at the junction exit, before an ungraceful merging is required.
There are also too many pedestrians wanting to cross and often spill out onto the road as they cannot fit on the traffic island, these have included buggies and the less able bodied. The crossing is not at a good location and it takes a long time to cross, which means that a lot of pedestrians cross not at the crossing, but further down the road instead (due to a lack of crossing locations until near the COOP). I read a lot on the old forum from people blaming pedestrians and saying that they should obey the crossing points, but the the A205 is not a dual carriageway and its design should better cater for the pople who live in the residential areas that it passes thorough.
Most people will pass through and never stop in Forest Hill. Not just because we don’t signpost any parking and prefer to hide it out of sight, but because it is actively unpleasant to drive through thanks to that one junction, which is next to the station with a large sign with “Forest Hill” written on (with car parking in front to further add to the kerb appeal).
It is hard to say what the best thing about Forest Hill is, but the worst is easy to pinpoint.

With regards to using the lane to pass and push in, indeed the left lane can seem a little rude. If however all road users were aware of it, and used it, a zipper effect would be caused, and serve its purpose as a lane reduction 2 into 1 perfectly. Of course it could also be made into a right turn only for buses, and signed accordingly.
As a whole though, the London Rd, Dartmouth Rd junction is a perpetual nightmare for all users.

What gets me is the people who use the left lane to turn right at what was the Harvester pub. No-one seems to object to that.
The thing with the right hand turn at FH station is that it has been there for years. If you have been driving through FH for years and have not noticed it then poor obs

It used to be allowed. Now we have a much longer traffic jam, but a nice empty bus lane.
Back to FH Station. We have had this discussion before, and this it the point that I pipe up and say that people in the left lane should always indicate that they are turning right. I’m sure it doesn’t apply to anybody on this thread, but it amazes me how few people bother.

Totally agree with that point.
However, bet that some refrain from doing so now, to prevent those in the right lane from swinging wide, in an effort to try and stop the left lane getting in. Been there, seen that!
Motorists, aren’t we wonderful!

I dont drive an Audi, BMW or Merc so my car comes with indicators as standard.

I do, and went for the options being fitted, so ner
Those preoccupied with texting, make-up, phone calls and other slow moving traffic pass times are the worst for indicators.
Love getting late indicators on roundabouts, who indicate just before they pull across your path.

Dont forget the breakfast eaters. Was almost taken out by a gent in Dulwich a few years ago. He blew through a red light whilst driving with his knees and eating cereal from a bowl. Luckily as the light changed I checked left and could see he wasnt slowing down. He was in a silver Mondeo Estate so me on my ickly bike would have been toast!
(see what I did there)

Oooh speaking of blowing reds… This morning…
I was just editing a dashcam video of 2 cars blowing reds.
Got to ask the local plod if they are theirs

Oh, do post up so we can have a look or is it going on YDLAC?

I’m pleased you lived to tell the tale of your narrow escape from that potential cereal killer.
(see what I did there)
Anyway, can I ask that people give me a bit more space on the roads for a few weeks as I got a new car at the weekend and so now I can’t find the indicator and first and foremost I need to get used to the controls of the CD player.

I did see what you did there anon64893700. You sound very chipper these days, you must be getting your oats (OK, I will stop now!!).
I plan to sit outside the Red Cross charity shop one day when bored and video all of the red light jumpers on the London Road. Am prepared to take bets on how many I see in an hour.
Which reminds me, the speeding initiative in bumping along. Details should be along in a few weeks.

Depends if its legit or being arses lol
Huh? you lost me there mate.
As for the light jumpers etc, I am yet to find some time at the right time of day to have some fun with the Go-Pro and film a few idiots.

Send to me so I can help you decide.

The file is 153mb, will upload it to a private YouTube link and go from there.

I like the idea of organising a community initiative to monitor red-light jumping (and suicidal pedestrians) at the FH Station junction.
TfL Roads have said that they want to review this junction and I think that an hour’s filming could be very interesting for them to realise just how bad this junction is. Not just because of bad driving, but lack of space and time for pedestrians, and poorly timed lights. Crazy that Mayow Road junction with Sydenham Road has been improved while this junction still suffers from roughly the same road layout as in 1950.

I have been planning a number of these projects for a while now, at key points I feel need addressing or putting to rest.
I shall try and start doing them rather than planning them soon.

There is an initiative in place. If you would like to join it please can you PM me your email and I will forward it onto the police. John

I know the police are happy for members of the public to be present at speed checks as I’m on the SNT ward panel.
@anon64893700 and @Londondrz we have a meeting of the FH Society transport committee on Thursday evening if either of you would like to attend. We will be meeting at an undisclosed pub in the centre of Forest Hill.
@anon64893700 there is nothing I like more than involving FH Society in putting into effect plans that others have worked out already!

Michael, unless there is a change I cannot make it I am afraid. Would very much like to be there but I am out for a “lunch” and dont think you would appreciate me turning up afterwards. As you are on the panel you will of course know what I am on about.

That must have been you I saw driving this afternoon in brilliant sunshine, 30 degrees outside, and the windscreen wipers going like it was a thunderstorm!
(No, just kidding. I’m making that up.)