Went to ‘ THE ORIGINAL JERK COOKOUT’ yesterday.
Really disappointed by the lack of food tents. We arrived at 3pm and there were 50m queues at all 4 food tents.
Anyone else have similar experiences?
Weather - poor
Atmosphere - good
Entertainment - good
The original jerk cookout

A really good event we thought. You were not so lucky with timing for food.
It opened at 12 and we were there from about 2 when there were still no queues. They built up slowly from about 2.30 then fluctuated and waiting time was about half an hour at times. There were a lot more than 4 outlets though.
The food from Twerk n Jerk was amazing, I didn’t know them before this. but they operate from the Catford Mews. Will definitely visit them.
Entertainment and beer good too, and music wise Yolanda Brown stood out as quite excellent.

Thanks - a fair summary - thought it would be quieter later for food. Got unlucky and tricky with young kids to manage.

Agree with everything you said. Jerk and twerk was brilliant. We also had some very yummy vegan mac & cheese from another stall. Music was great. If not for the weather this would have been a fantastic event.

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