Our black bins were due to be collected last Wednesday 28th July but this didn’t happen due to ‘Covid related staff absence’. The council is saying they’re running ‘slightly behind’ and will collect eventually but we’ve been waiting a week now. I live on the Ewart Road estate and the rubbish is really piling up and attracting flies. I’ve reported it to the council and Fix My Street but does anyone know if there’s anything we can do? Anyone else affected by this issue? They have collected recycling and kitchen caddies as normal but it feels like the black bins are the urgent thing.
Archived on 6/5/2022
Missed black bin collections

4 Aug '21

4 Aug '21
That is more than slightly behind.
It sounds as if they are trying to delay a bit longer and then collect on your normal bin day. Otherwise they have just missed your bin.
Call them again.