Anyone else get woken up? Second lot was around 2.50am
Fireworks in the middle of the night (Saturday)

Yep…I heard some at around 2.20am but couldn’t make out where they were coming from. I wasn’t happy!

Well at least now I know I wasn’t imagining it!! Odd though to be letting off fireworks at gone 2am!

Yes I was also woken up by them. Sounded very close by but hard to judge as the sound carries from afar where I live. Really inconsiderate given the time.

I was woken by them twice from a deep sleep. I’m on upper Kirkdale.

Lots of comments on Next Door regarding this.

Heard them in honor oak…

That’s quite a spread - I’m in the Woolstone road area. I suppose maybe they were in the middle of forest hill so everyone around the area heard!
I’m not on Nextdoor - was there any explanation or just more puzzled people like us?

We didn’t hear them but overheard some people talking about the fireworks at Blythe Hill Fields festival this afternoon - apparently it was a large house party. Didn’t hear the location.

It was round Perry Rise. The fireworks weren’t the end of the party - they were still going at 8am this morning.

That sounds pretty grim for people nearby.

It certainly woke me up twice and I now know why I heard loud music in the morning on Sunday.
I know everyone has had a bad 18 months and people want to kick back and have fun. I totally understand that - let’s face it, I’d be having fun too if we hadn’t just had a family bereavement. but it would be nice if they could have fun with slightly less impact on those around them.
I just hope it was a one off!

I definitely heard them. Taymount Rise. Seems the noise managed to spread far and wide!

I hear them going off quite regularly. Not usually as late/early as this, but certainly after 11pm.

Two lots of particularly noisy fireworks going off tonight – first just after midnight then again just before 1:00 a.m. Along with some fairly loud music, given the time of night. I don’t want to be a fun sponge, but I would quite like to get some sleep.

I’m up in Kirkdale and these 2 sets of fireworks sounded like they were in different places, the first towards forest hill and the other louder one near Crystal Palace way.

Music is still going super loud - annoying since it’s nearly 2am! We’re near Mayow Park area and hear the fireworks every Saturday, but this is the first time it’s been accompanied by such loud music, too.

Yes these latest fireworks woke me on upper Kirkdale too. This time they were accompanied by flashes, which lit up the room and they sounded a lot closer.
But if they were heard over a wide area and others heard music (which I didn’t at that time) I wonder if it was something to do with the Wireless festival? We’d had the bass blaring out from that all day, but only audible at the back of our pretty solid Victorian house and then only with the windows open. Couldn’t sit in the garden though. Our bedroom is at the front, so we didn’t hear the musak from there… thank goodness.
I don’t know why fireworks nowadays have to have such loud anti social “look at me, I’ve having such fun” bangs.

Wireless Festival was done by 9.30pm so the post midnight fireworks would be nothing to do with them.

My cousin, who lives in Shortlands (quite near Kelsey Park/ Bromley), said the tennis club there had fireworks into the night. Might be in relation to the US Open.

I heard the first fireworks after midnight which was very short but then very loud bangs around 1 which I managed to see. My son said they were likely to be from a fireworks cannon/gun as they seemed to be going a lot faster than normal. They were very close and I would say they were coming from the Round Hill/Baxters Field area.

Maybe it was the Sydenham Tennis club celebrating Emma’s US Open victory, although at the risk of “pigeon holing” wouldn’t have thought they would have accompanied the fireworks with the thumping drum n bass…

Ah that explains why our bedroom lit up and why I heard shouting afterwards. Thanks Paul.

I thought with the exception of New Year organised dispays have to be done by 11pm?
It’s pretty anti social and odd to have fireworks after midnight 2 weeks in a row.

We heard 1st set of fireworks around Midnight then another set later. I actually thought the 1st set sounded like gunshots because they were just bang bang bang and quite spaced out. Then we had really loud music (sounded like they had a full on DJ) that was awful and very repetitive until gone 3am this is in the Taymount rise area but I thought the noise came from towards London road/Dartmouth road
Kept me awake until 3-could have carried on later it was LOUD I pity whoever lived next door to the party.

I didn’t hear a thing . But I do sleep with earplugs in.

I’m on Taymount Rise, too. The first lot were around ten past midnight and the second at about five to one – I checked the time both times. I hear late fireworks fairly often (after 11pm), but they’re usually just “crackly” while these were loud bangs. There’s another post elsewhere that says the party was on Manor Mount, which is just the other side of London Road.

it was the Manor Mount party that kept going on until past 4 am last night with DJ and announcements of cake (cake at 1.40 am!) etc… sounded more like a festival than a 30th birthday party… on another post, I’ve requested invitations to be sent to neighbours who are kept awake all night, hopefully they read it…this was the 2nd party in last 3 weeks in Manor Mount (different numbers) … i don’t like to be a joy killer but have had a headache all day today… so inconsiderate at that hour

Manor Mount makes sense because the noise was coming from the north of Taymount rise.
It was really insanely loud as you say like a festival.
Announcements, Dj’s and really pounding beats.
I’m just grateful that I didn’t have to be in work today-I ended up having an afternoon nap due to a party I didn’t even attend!

Again with the fireworks in the night! 12.20 this time. Woken by two gunshots under my window (or so I thought, especially given the number of sirens earlier in the evening and the number of emergency response vehicles - including the helicopter - that had been rushing about). But what I’d taken to be gunshots were rapidly followed by the usual fusillade of bangs and flashes interspersed with a couple of fireworks crackly sounds. Baxter’s Field again? What is wrong with these people?

Yep, pretty sure it was in Baxter again; mercifully short burst, managed to settle the cat and the dog quite quickly afterwards. There has been regular, noisy, late night activity in there for months now…

According to Lewisham’s website, parks close at 8pm in September. Maybe they need to lock the gates.

I fear those who want to get in and be a nuisance still will and those of us who want to walk the dog or just stroll in the evening will lose out. C’est la vie and all that.

It’s a tall fence though and could maybe dissuade anti social behaviour. They might be doing worse in there than waking up the neighbours. Locking the gates at night would just be in line with the rules anyway.

Many years ago the gates of Baxter Fields were regularly locked at night. They stopped doing it to save money. Speaking personally I’d rather leave it open 24 hours, as it makes my walk to or from Sydenham 5 minutes shorter than it would be otherwise.