Livesey Memorial Hall in danger!

The residents of new houses could not complain about nuisance from an existing business.

Morally they shouldn’t, but legally they can. “Coming to the nuisance” is no longer a defence.

You need to be aware of the Ministry of Sound position/outcome.

There seems to be a very simple solution to this problem.
Milton Keynes councillors have placed a condition on an application from Abbey Homes to build 134 homes next to the venue, meaning the company will be required to sign a Deed of Easement in order to continue with the project. A planning condition will prevent any future residents in a housing development adjacent to The Stables in Milton Keynes from submitting private nuisance complaints about the noise.

Please pass the word, Sunday, 1.30 pm, at the front of the Livesey:
We need a strong presence for a publicity photo, showing how much support we have for keeping it in community use.
The mood is to be #LoveLivesey, come and show how much you value it, and want it to be on a stronger footing. Come and talk about your best memory of the Livesey, bring photos! Its a rally of support, not a shouty aggro-fest.
The main point is to take group photos of supporters; Grainne Cuffe is waiting to get them, and we’ll use them on social media.
Please forward this message to everyone in the area, and ask them to forward it on too.