Given the plethora of dog shit along stillness road I was wondering about proposing a name change to ‘shitness’ road. I am putting this out as a feeler as to gauge public opinion.
Proposal to rename stillness road

There are some absolute scum bags around this area when it comes to not picking up after their dogs

That’s quite a punchy first post Micheal !

It’s incredible. I have been to medinas in morocco where donkeys are the main mode of transport and feral cats run freely that have less animal shite lying on the paths.

There must have been some sort of record set in the last month for so for X thing on pavements!
No excuse for this being done, a sad reflection on some people’s general attitude to others.

I was thinking of posting on this general topic after my child managed to ride his bike through sticky turds twice in one week. The walk to school has now become a game of spot the poo. I’m no expert, but I think most of the ones I see are fox poo.
What I really wanted to talk about is what we should do if we see a poo. Sometimes I try and move them into the gutter, but it could still easily be trodden on. Does anyone else have any good ideas what we could do to prevent others stepping in ‘spotted’ poos? Sprinkle with sawdust? Hi-viz spray paint? Report it on fixmystreet?

Yes, there is some fox shit on stillness road (the thin black stuff) but also a lot of dog shit. The dog shit tends to be by the trees on the Blythe Hill side of the road where I presume the animals holding the lead feel hidden whilst the animals on the lead do their thing…