GLTC Toy Garage

Looks great! I could swing by and pick it up shortly. I’ll PM you.

Sure yes I will send you the address.

Looks like we are both “Basic” members so don’t have PM privileges. Not sure what to do about this… I could just bike up the road?

Hi that’s really strange we can’t PM? I don’t want to share my address or phone number on a public site?

Give me a like on the comment. It might bump me up to the “Member” level, if I’m reading the rules right

Ok done that. I’ve put it on eBay here;
Does that work better? I doubt we will get any other bids of collect in person?
Look at this on eBay
GLTC Toy Garage

Looks like I was too late, but if this is still available let me know.

Sorry about that, please see here: When are PMs / DMs enabled for new members?

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