I’ve been trying to check something that I posted in a topic. Without success. The thread appears to have been deleted? Is that possible? In future, is there any way of finding out whether and why a topic might have been deleted? Am I right in that whole topic deletion can only be done by the moderators or possibly the original poster?
Lost topics

Hi Jane. A couple of topics were temporarily hidden by their original poster (a moderator). I’ll have a chat to the team and we may restore them.


They were moved by me, an ex moderator. Apologies for the confusion. I have removed most of my original comments from the thread now.

Oh…well thanks for reinstating. Deleting all those comments makes some others a bit incomprehensible! Obviously that’s completely up to you, but I must admit I don’t understand why. I don’t recall anything offensive or defamatory in anything you posted. Personally, I don’t often delete my posts unless I do it immediately after writing. If I regret something I’ve posted (and we all do, let’s be honest, if I can’t delete it before someone has responded I generally leave it there. And then apologise if an apology is called for. Which a couple of us did in that topic I think! Once a post has been responded to, I think it can be a very weird experience for people who join the topic later on and try and enter the discussion. I recall a few discussions elsewhere where people objected to what others had said (some pretty outrageous stuff) I was one of the objectors but I did not agree with the moderators decision to remove the offending comments. Got very confusing for others and made th people who objected look a bit mad! Which they weren’t at all. “I absolutely disagree with what you say, but defend absolutely your right to say it” something like that isn’t it! Sums up my approach.

I agree, it’s much better to leave posts where they are once they are part of a conversation. If a user wants to remove their posts, that’s their prerogative, of course. But I do like the idea of thrashing things out, and apologising for our mistakes when appropriate!
