Is anyone else disturbed by the Stillness Road lumberjack? I always thought he was breaking bricks with the noise he creates but I just saw today he puts a metal wedge into the top of a log and hits the metal wedge with a sledgehammer. Wondering what my rights are as it seems bizarre to not do this at the bottom of a garden and without the metal on metal contact caused by his technique. It also seems a bit nuts how frequently he does it.
Stillness road lumberjack

Sound like he is using log splitters it’s a common way of breaking down fire wood.

Yep, it clearly looks like a good way to chop wood when noise is of no consideration! It just fascinates me someone can feel comfortable doing it multiple days on the trot for upwards of an hour at a time. My first instinct when doing things like that would be to consider how I could limit any noise pollution… a log splitter may not be my go-to…

A nice, quiet, method:
In seriousness, so long as he is not running a business and is not doing this at unsociable hours then I don’t think you have many rights concerning it. I can’t help but think a quick chat with said neighbour might be useful. Also, there is a limit to the amount of wood one can need to be chopped (for personal use) and I would have thought it much less than an hour a day, so perhaps he is just stocking up for the winter.
Also you could see Lewisham Council - Noise and other disturbances we investigate

I don’t claim to be an expert. But since the measures to have clean air came in I think we are only allowed to burn wood for a maximum of ten minutes to start a fire.
It sounds as if he is producing a lot more wood than will be burned in ten minutes.

He’s a lumberjack and he’s OK
He sleeps all night and works all day
He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps
He likes to press wild flowers
He puts on…I think most of you know the rest.

I had a very useful convo with one of the councillors on wood burning stoves - there’s some very unpleasant smelling ones around here.
Lewisham is indeed a smoke control area. This means that you are not allowed to emit smoke from a chimney unless you’re burning an authorised fuel or using an exempt appliance. People should follow the “Rules for chimneys, bonfires, open fires and wood burning stoves,” which are available on the Council’s website: Lewisham Council - Rules for chimneys, bonfires, open fires and wood burning stoves

I didn’t think anyone used metal wedges and a sledgehammer any more. I still have some wedges- I used to use them chopping wood with my dad, but now use a proper modern Fiskars wood splitting axe, which is way easier, great fun, much quieter and is like they do it in the movies.
I also have a foot operated hydraulic log splitter which is easier still, and is silent.
The guy needs to upgrade his equipment.