My Christmas holiday to South Africa has been cancelled so I’m looking to drown my sorrows in the warmest, cosiest pub in SE23. Bonus points for an open fire. What is the best option?
What is the most cosy pub in SE23 during christmas/winter?

The Perry Hill has open fires, I just got a lovely waft as I walked past.

@PerryHillPub also have a Christmas Market 2021-12-04T12:00:00Z → 2021-12-04T16:00:00Z according to their website:

The Blythe Hill Tavern by miles. Especially with a pint of perfectly served Guinness by the fire.

Agree that it is very difficult to beat the Blythe for warm hospitality and cosiness. One to avoid is the Honor Oak. Last orders at 10.20 (ye gods!) and the toilets are horribly stinky.

Hear hear. the Blythe is the best pub in SE23 by miles.

Another vote for Blythe Hill Tavern,doesn’t get more cozy, old puby than that. And I mean legitimately old puby, not just trying to look like one. Amazing place.
Other end of Forest Hill, I quite like the Signal by the station. Dimmed lights in the evening and some nooks by the windows make for a cozy atmosphere I find. They also have some sofas around and such, if that’s more your jam.

I wish there was a pub in Forest hill town centre with an open fire.
I assume Blythe hill Tavern isn’t a 10 miniute walk from FH station?

Didn’t the Dartmouth Arms used to have a fire… oh well.
The Blythe Hill Tavern is about 20 minutes by foot from the station, not too bad.

And they do Taytoes crisps (Tayto’s?). A definite plus, however it’s spelt/spelled.

You could hop on a train to Sydenham and get to The Dolphin in a little over 10mins too…

No it isn’t but a 185 bus would get you there in about 10-12 minutes!

Already feeling the warmth & a tiny little walk from station.

You are not alone, mine also has been cancelled.we were supposed to go to South Africa in February

Which Taytos? The Northern Irish ones or the real ones?

The Northern Irish ones are the real ones, aren’t they?

I thought politics was banned on here?

What a curve ball! Looks great. I think the All Inn One might be turning in to Forest Hill’s most underrated pub.

Another vote for the Blythe Hill Tavern - worth the walk.
They open for a few hours on Christmas day as well and it is always very convivial.

In all (no pun intended) the years we’ve lived here never been there…But now…well!
Could become our new watering hole of choice.

Careful you will be entering the better side of the tracks

And it’s Tayto. Just like Tesco and Euro.

I think it is matter of taste which Taytos you prefer. The first Taytos were created by Joe ‘Spud’ Murphy in Dublin in 1954 and were the first seasoned crisps. They were named after how his son said potatoes.
He licensed it to Tayto (Northern Ireland) two years later in 1956 who have the UK license. Taytos from the south of the Island can’t travel freely across the border due to licensing restrictions which was upheld in a recent court case. Boris has said he is a big fan of the Northern Taytos and insisted they should be able to cross the Irish sea to England without being checked as apparently he spends a lot of his time in Downing Street eating them.
Personally I am not a big fan of either Taytos but my vote goes to the Blythe and my snack food of choice there is salted peanuts and conveniently I can’t remember the brand.

Blythe Hill Tavern it is then! and noted All Inn One
Christmas may have been saved!

Blythe Hill Tavern used to have an Irish band playing on Thursday evenings.
Has this resumed?

It has, at least for now. Plus Friday and Saturday Van dough is outside for pizza