Hi there… I am new to the site (hello all) and quite new to the area (moved 2 months ago). I live on Sunderland Road and have noticed various amounts of fly tipping (or at least I think it’s fly tipping) on the corner of Sunderland Road and the South Circular. There was a particularly large amount if items on Sunday evening there. However, I think they were all gone this morning when I left to go to work. I have noticed over the two months since I moved in that this corner gets regularly used for large rubbish items (fridges/freezers and the like)… does anyone know if this is fly tipping or just a handy spot for a council pick up?
Fly Tipping on corner of Sunderland Road and South Circular

Hello neighbour!
I live close to that and can’t say I have noticed a lot of fly-tipping there specifically. There are some designated spots around there for large materials to be collected by the council for the many houses they manage in the area, but that is not it (it is around the corner on Church Rise).
However, they may take things here too. Seems a rather public area to fly-tip however. I know someone who may know more and will keep an eye out

Many thanks… it may very well be a council pick up thing… everything was neatly placed… I have just never seen this before (I came from a Lambeth area where this kind of thing would never happen)…

Lambeth wouldn’t allow you to leave anything on the street until the day of collection (or if it was early, late the night before)…

I concur. There was a huge amount of stuff there last night. Practically the whole corner was filled with crap. And its not the first time I’ve seen this. About a month ago there was another big pile. That time I also saw the culprit who was taking stuff out of a door next to the Polish deli. I was going to take a picture of him, but he didn’t have the look of someone who’d pose for the shot. So I didn’t.

Hi and welcome to the area and forum @Bolgerp
I noticed this the other day too, one heck of an eyesore for sure.
Did mean to check on Fix My Street to see if it was reported, but clean forgot. Will check in a bit.
As for dumping spots, there seem to be a few around now, some for cowboy builders, others for what looks like house clearances. Really unappealing and makes the area look shocking.

I have never heard of Fix My Street but have now signed up and submitted the issue. Many thanks… what a useful site.

Indeed it is a good site, and mobile app too. Usually gets a good response, and always fun to use a link from the report to chase up Lewisham Council on.
Nice to have a multi pronged approach to tackling these issues.
Glad your thread has enlightened your knowledge so to speak

This is now fixed!! Was clear as I passed on the way home this evening.

Great news! If you don’t mind, please edit the title of this topic to add “- fixed”

or not … I suspect it will not be the last time , it seems to come and go, and this gives people a chance to continue the conversation if it happens again.

Fair point @thirstforwine - although the end of the title could be edited from “- fixed” to “- AGAIN!” in this case?

… but of course only the original author can change the title, so I think you’re right and we should leave the title as-is.

That’s what I like to hear.

Still getting my head around the functionality of the site… thanks @anon5422159 for the hint re: updating the title… as you mention, I can always update it again if it becomes “unfixed” so to speak…

It’s a learning curve for all I think @Bolgerp But great to see such enthusiastic engagement. Well done on the edit.

Ugh. I am not at home at the moment so can’t take a pic to report on Fix My Street. I did notice another small fly tip there Wednesday evening (I think) but it was gone by Thursday evening. This seems to be happening quite regularly.

Yeah I saw it being cleared on both Thursday and Friday mornings.

One of my ideas for a website was “community CCTV”
The website records footage from the Internet-connected cameras of its members (opt in of course), and then the footage is historically-browsable by others who live in the same area. Cameras could be set up facing out of top floor windows, for example. They’d help the police catch crooks.
Despite it being legal to post footage of public areas online, of course there are probably many practical and ethical flaws in this idea!

Sounds like a good thought though mate. Like you say, just fraught with hurdles

Hi all
what can be done about this fly tipping still someone one is doing this that makes the place look untidy and its if not cleaned up we will start attracting more people doing this and rats.

Any identifying features on that suitcase? I suspect this is a dodgy “waste removal” company at work, and if we can trace back to the customer, we can find out the company they used.

And here is another fly tip which has gone uncleared for a number of days. This one I’ve reported through Fix My Street. I’ve also just written to the ward councilors for their feedback. But honestly. Jim Dowd’s constituency office is not but 20 metres from this corner. You’d think they might have a concern too.
It seems when reported it gets cleared in a quick amount of time… but its not long until something else shows up.

That’s been long cleared. I hadn’t thought of checking that and am not inclined to get amongst this type of waste myself. I would hope the Council is doing some investigation when they clear it.

The Council is pretty efficient at clearing this. But of course, clearing it (regularly) just encourages some people to believe that dumping here (or anywhere else on the public streets) is somehow acceptable. It is not.
If there is some reasonable chance of identifying the perpetrators, either by witnessing details of persons or vehicles ‘in the act’, or by information contained in items dumped, the Council will consider prosecuting. When convictions are secured, they will seek maximum publicity to deter others. If any SE23 members want to email me (address from Council website) with such evidence, I’m happy to pass it on if they wish to remain anonymous.

Thank you John for your response here on to my direct request. As I mentioned in my response to you, I would like to see the council take a more proactive approach to this specific problem spot given the frequency of dumping. Very much appreciate your offer to pass on information though.

Sofa and chair gone. Replaced by a mattress.

Quite handy for a quick nap en-route home from the pub tho?

Possibly. I was coming home from work.

I reported this via ‘fix my street’ this morning. It’s so dense with reports in that location!

Oh. So did I. I saw another one but noted it was marked in the wrong location. I think you have yours marked at the corner of Sunderland and Stanstead Road.

You’re right. I did it on the mobile app and the maps are pretty sketchy on that. I’ll take it down as you’ve got it on there already.
Hopefully someone pays attention to all of these reports.
On a separate note, does anyone know if that is a bat box on the tree where all of these items are dumped?

And the mattress is now gone. But there’s a load of old shit now piled up a the corner of Stansted/Sunderland Roads.

Well I’ll be… Lewisham Council offers a FREE mattress collection service. Said fly tipper of mattress could have saved themselves a lot of angst if they had only known.

And now a washing machine and some broken up shelving.

Ned Flanders got there first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyx_IW6nf68
Fast-forward to 1m50s if you wish…

Makes sense. After all, you can’t take plasterboard as hand luggage.

Although unsightly, the fly-tipping in this location does have the advantage of being entertaining. It often brightens up a quiet day in the office checking to see what delights are there today. Keep the pictures coming!

Is that the same red suitcase which has reappeared from the photo taken on 29th June?

Can we hire a black van with tinted windows, arm ourselves with paintball guns and “lurk” awaiting fly tippers? Can we, please!!

Tempting as it does sound fun.

Has anyone spoken to LBL about the matter?
It does certainly seem that it is an informally arranged collection point, maybe for people from the flats etc to have things collected from, or maybe local houses too which don’t have a suitable location to stop outside.

I doubt this very much given the size/volume of some of the dumps and the items included. Notwithstanding Lewisham only allow 3 items per collection and are quite clear in where it can be left.
This is flytipping plain and simple and you’ll note our Perry Vale councillor has already been brought in on the matter.
That said, nothing since the suitcase/plasterboard dump. Maybe the fly tippers are on summer hols.

There was a mattress there yesterday.
I realise that there is a 3 item limit (per booking) for Lewisham’s collections, and understand your point on that totally. But at the same time it may be authorised in some informal way, for a local landlord to leave stuff there when clearing out flats (most thinks look like a home clearance).
I notice it isn’t always Lewisham vehicles clearing it away, hence mentioning it.
For people living in flats etc, there is no logical place to leave large items, so this would serve as a substitute.
Rightly or wrongly so, it is a complete eyesore, and needs addressing for sure, but it still worth exploring all the avenues formally before rejecting them.

“Unexpected item in the dumping area. Remove this item before continuing.”


hi there is more and it keeps happening all the time
we need to stop this matter

Yep. It grew overnight.

Just getting anyone interested enough is a real battle.
Community CCTV camera clearly required.
Wonder if one of the neighbours opposite would be willing to pop a small camera in a window for a day or two. Shouldn’t take longer that that to catch the first one.

So. As I was walking past at 06.43 this morning I saw a guy in a high vis vest who also had a cart/sweeping brush move several old framed pictures from in front of the house next to the nursery at the junction of Sunderland Road and South Circular to the offending area by the bin. I couldn’t take a photo of him as my bus was coming so I had to leg it. But it looks like he works for the council. So perhaps this explains the smaller items being placed there to be collected later by the council. However this doesn’t explain the larger items that get out there from time to time.

Also doesn’t explain why the council have no comment on the matter. Unless it is something informally arranged by the guys in the dept and on the road for ease of use.
That said I can’t believe for a minute that some of the stuff is their doing.
Great spot by the way @Bolgerp useful info

How about a little guerilla gardening? Perhaps if that spot was full of flowers people would be less inclined to dump their crap on it?

Nice idea, would certainly pretty the place up a bit.

It probably wouldn’t last 5 minutes, unfortunately…

This is one of my favourite threads on this site. It always cheers me up while I’m sat at my desk not working. Keep up with the reporting!
(I obviously would feel differently if I had to witness the litter on a daily basis, but luckily for me I don’t.)

Happily I saw 2 guys earlier clearing the contents from a house on Sunderland… Straight into a skip! Well done guys.

On the subject of skips. We have had one for a few weeks, covered and with lamps on it. Had to stop a number of people trying to put stuff in it. “Well, it’s nearly empty so I thought it would be OK”. “So how did you know it was nearly empty when there is a cover on it”? “Ah, well…errr. I just…eeer thought that it would be OK”. “Can I have your address please so that I can pop over and drop a few items off in your garden when we next have a clear out”. Look of shame on their faces.
People are idiots.

Annoying isn’t it. Anyone’s skip is fair game. Worst part is, if you then throw their stuff out, YOU are dumping stuff!
Hippo bag all the way for me these days. Can put it out when I start using it, fold it closed if not filled in the day and so much cheaper lol

And still no word from Lewisham to say if this is an unofficial agreed pick up point

Given that Perry Vale Councillor John Paschoud has previously recognized this as a problem area, I’m assuming this isn’t. @John_Paschoud… could you in your position as one of our Councillors ask about this?

If Lewisham did say it was an unofficial pick-up point, would it still be unofficial?

As I was driving past yesterday there was a truck with Lewisham logos being loaded with the junk which had been left on the corner. So whether it’s official or not, they’re definitely clearing things from there.

Lol good point, but yet. So ner.
I just mean is it somewhere there are aware of, but do not promote.
@Dave seems to happen quite regularly, so it is certainly somewhere they are aware of.

I and a few others diligently report each incident on FixMyStreet or by Twitter to Lewisham Environmental Services.

Good man! I do the same round my area.

Good on ya mate.

As I was leaving for work yesterday morning (approx 06.40), I noticed the street sweeper guys (two of them) unload clothes from the suitcases and put them into blue plastic bags… most odd.

I guessing they can then take them to be weighed and sold off?

The pillows have now been claimed.

Damn! You gotta move fast if you want the good stuff.

I give due warning.

Heavy mattress that!

What is that?
Looks like a portable loo

It is! I think it’s for the guys working on the pavement outside Topps Tiles.

I don’t want to know what people are dumping in the portable loo…

And at the same time a mattress and divan set also dumped against the fence to the left. No picture this time.

No you don’t want to know. Because on the other side of that steel cabin is the canteen.

Hi I don’tknow how long this is going to go on for still dumping things there old bath and a old radiator and also graffiti on face and shop on other side of the road also the road sign about bus lane and taxi is facing my house as the post has been hit at somestage

Feeling your pain @maggie2016
Best place to report this is http://www.fixmystreet.com/ - you can download the app on your smartphone if you have one, or use their website.
When you report it, the location of the graffiti / flytipping will be sent to the council to help them act on it.