Free Whiskas 7+ catfood

Hi Hannah,
I would love this lot if still available. Mogwai is a Whiskas cat through and through and is on 11+ food and senior go cat biscuits but does like 7+ on occasion. Can collect at your convenience, from tomorrow.

That’d be great. I can’t see how to send a private message with our address though?

You may not be enabled to send messages yet but I am sure @ModTeam @ForestHull can help you out (not sure of all protocol on here).
I will send you a private message also, once you are enabled. Thank you.

Hi Sue, As you’re a verified member you’re able to PM any user and if they’re not verified the system will still enable them to PM you back. So if you PM @HannahC first she’ll then be able to PM you back with her address!.

Thank you @ChrisR
Sorry but, maybe because I have had a slightly stressful morning, or because I do not use social media constantly, I cannot see how to private message HannahC
Please explain what I can click on and where. It is not immediately apparent to me but maybe it is just me being stupid or not seeing?
Thank you

Hi Sue. Click on either the green circle at the start of one of Hannah’s post’s or her user name to the right of that and then select the green ‘message’ option from the pop up. Add your message and then click on the green ‘message’ area at the bottom.

Thanks @ChrisR for your help. I had a blonde/dumb/senior moment (or 2)
I have now privately messaged @HannahC

Don’t worry Sue. I have plenty of those moments too!

Thank you very much @HannahC for the load of Whiskas cat food I picked up from you this morning! It will be much appreciated by her ladyship, Mogwai
Once she awakens
It was very nice to meet you. Happy New Year!I
Sue + Mogwai
PS what a gorgeous day it is! it was a joy to be out and about this a.m.
Make the most of the sunshine and have a good day all

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