Double-check you have locked your car doors. Spotted this on our camera happened at 7.20 this morning on Church Rise A guy going along the road and into drives checking car doors
Lock your car doors

Looks like no gloves on so possible fingerprints though not sure police would investigate if no cars actually accessed? Though good chance not his first time so might be on the system as such.

Did report it to the police last time, but nothing was done.

Even if someone smashes your car window and takes property from inside, the police won’t investigate it!

We stupidly accidentally left our car unlocked on this same night, and someone did get in (I assume the same person - we’re on Dacres Road). Luckily nothing to take but he had a proper look around. Clearly important to ensured car is locked but I think also good to not have anything valuable at all in your car that is worth taking!

Someone on Nextdoor reported last week that she had had her car broken into & they took the car seat. How low can you get!
I’m always telling my daughter not to leave even a penny in the car when round here, & she always brings the car seat in with the baby in it.

When you say “car seat”, do you mean a baby seat?

I would imagine so. She said it was removed from the car. In actual fact I think she had double ones.

Pretty brazen - not even fazed when the security light came on!