Archived on 6/5/2022

Can you get film developed locally?

29 Dec '21


I’ve discovered one old disposable film camera I’d like to try and get developed, and also one film from an old film camera I have…

Is there anywhere locally that will do this or best to send them off to be developed?


29 Dec '21

I think there’s still a snappy snaps on Sydenham high street. They used to do camera film development.

29 Dec '21

Thanks - for some reason I thought the Snappy Snaps of this world had stopped film processing, but just looked and they do still do it!

30 Dec '21

There’s a Snappy Snaps on Peckham Rye too, just down from the station - easy if you’re cycling up into town, they even let you bring your bike inside :slight_smile:

30 Dec '21

Thanks - I suspect when I used to cycle to work in Shoreditch \ Aldgate I will have gone past it on my way to to from Burgess Park - never noticed it though!

I don’t want to get into all the cycling pro / anti stuff as it’s Christmas and all that, but one of the reasons (apart from general lazyness) I don’t cycle to some places is I don’t feel safe leaving the bike locked up outside, so it’s good to know you can take bikes in, I wonder how many places do that? It’s not a major issue as I can walk or bus it to most places I want to and have the demon car at other times :slight_smile:

30 Dec '21

Rough Trade East if you’re picking up vinyl :innocent: just wheel the bike in. My barber in Old Street lets me bring the bike in too. Bike friendly shops are good for business. Who knew! :man_shrugging:t3:

30 Dec '21

Totally this. Such poor opportunity to park bikes safely in shopping areas, no locks safe from portable angle grinders and most are vulnerable to portable bolt cutters. Plus bike racks always seem so far from eg supermarket security staff who might just keep an eye on them.