I don’t think this is a new problem, but it seems there’s a lot of new tagging/graffiti about. Saw some new stuff today on the National Rail building approaching the FH Station underpass. Any thoughts? Guess there’s little that can be done. Doesn’t half look awful.

You guess is correct Yorkie-Boy. That’s how far gone things have got.

Christmas seemed to be a busy time for graffiti, fly tipping and fly posting.
All of that can be reported in the Love Clean Streets app, and I’ve found Lewisham seem to tidy up within a few days.
Here’s a link to the Android app:
There is also https://www.fixmystreet.com/ which similarly works.

Not everyone knows that Lewisham is trying to build more social housing at every opportunity. But I do get that people who are struggling to find homes are having a tough time; and I can sympathise with their plight (but not with their grafitti)

The briefest of searches will find that unsurprisingly the council does a great deal of work to house the homeless. Shame they will have to waste money removing this nonsense.

Yep - I’m pretty sure graffiti removal and street cleaning is a fraction of the budget spent by Lewisham on social housing and support, though I can’t find any natty infographic on Lewisham.gov.uk to show that right now.

Notwithstanding it’s volunteers from the Forest Hill Society who have regularly cleaned those panels.

There’s also sadly lots on private fences at the London Road/Honor Oak Road junction. It really makes the area look scruffy.