I am becoming increasingly concerned about the number of dogs allowed off leads in Mayow Park. Under the Public Space Protection Order it is an offence for dogs to enter the main field on Mayow Park. It is also an offence not to keep dogs under control in a public place. Every day I see dozens of dogs roaming the central field of the park. Many of these are not on leads. I have witnessed some terrifying incidents of dogs viciously attacking one another, with owners screaming and kicking/punching their dogs apart. Many families and children use this park and I fear it is only a matter of time before a child is seriously harmed.
Dangerous dogs in Mayow Park

You are right to be concerned FH99. Along with the other numberless acts of gross anti social behaviour which you will see complained of in other posts on this forum; it’s a phenomenon known as the beginning of end of our civilisation. No need to adjust your set. It happened to the Romans, the Mayans and others too. O tempora, O mores.

Thank you for your reply TWT. Have you witnessed concerning behaviour by dog owners in Mayow Park?

I would suggest changing the title to “Dangerous dog owners in Mayow Park”

No, it’s not a park I frequent, but I have no reason to doubt what you say.

Absolute tosh

Really sorry to hear this as I consider it a very safe park both for dogs and children. Are you seeing this at any particular time? I use it a lot with my dog and very rarely see dogs in the middle area. Most dog owners appear to stick to the designated areas and while some do occasionally train their dogs on the Mayow Road area, I have never seen anything like what you describe in the many years using it. To be honest, I think one is more likely to be taken out by small children on scooters or bikes than affected by any out of control dogs. But maybe that’s just down to the times I use it which tend to be morning or early afternoon.

At all times of the day. It’s particularly bad weekday mornings before 9am and weekends.I counted 14 dogs on the green space at 8:30 yesterday. I approached a few owners who said they didn’t know dogs are banned from the green space. There are no signs in that area.

Improved signage would definitely help, because unless one reads the entrance board carefully you just wouldn’t be aware of the restricted area. They were hot on dishing out fines a few years back but don’t seem to do it any more.