I have some photos of my children that were taken 40 years ago. They are 6x8 & in colour.
Unfortunately although I do try to remember to turn them round when the sun is shining in them the colour has faded.
Can anyone recommend anywhere I could take them to have the colours restored?
I did have some smaller ones done in Boots a few years ago.
I’m reluctant to go to Snappysnaps as they have now become quite expensive, & the man who helped me to print some off of my phone recently was very ‘Snappy’ so has put me off going back there anyway.
Any ideas or recommendations gratefully received!
Photo colour restoration service

I’ve seen this place advertised with good reviews
Would love to see the results. Such a clever concept to restore old pics.

Thank you, will have a look.

I contacted Ben. He said each photo would be £35, a bit steep I think.
But got to say was a bit annoyed at the way he address me.
I don’t mind Gill, Gillian, Mrs Bird, (& I’m normally asked beforehand as I’m sure everybody is) but he doesn’t know me & he is supposed to be professional, so would you address a potential client ‘Hi Lovely…’
I wasn’t rude to him but I did say that other customers might not react to his casual way of addressing them as well as I have!
His reply was ‘no problem at all’ but it has put me off even thinking about using him to be honest.

Remember when paying for these services, you’re not only paying for the time it takes but also the acquired skills over the years.
Price wise, this place offers the service you require and it starts at £45 per photo

Yes I agree, but he didn’t explain the procedure, what happens when he has completed the task. He just expected me to take a photo of my photo & send it over,
I assume once he has done what he does, that I then get the phot printed? Who knows? I did ask him.
Maybe it’s just me, but he lost me really when he addressed me as Hi Lovely…bit patronising I think.

Just looked them up. You actually take the photo in store, they scan it & give the original back to you. They then give you a disc, but you can order photos.
I’ll look into it again sometime.

TBF that’s a good enough reason not to use someone.