Who do I report the water that’s at junction of Sunderland Road to as its coming up out the man hole
Archived on 6/5/2022

6 Feb '22

6 Feb '22
Report on Fixmystreet or thames water.

6 Feb '22
Done thames water but don’t seem to be anybody coming to see this before it ends up with ice rink there

7 Feb '22
When I went out yesterday afternoon it seemed like the source of the leak was under the pavement between the corner of Sunderland Rd/Waldram Park Rd and the Cheney Court flats and the water is then running down and building up across the road junction. The Thames Water website is showing it has been reported with the comment “We’re investigating and we’ll send an engineer out as soon as we can”.

9 Feb '22
I walked there yesterday. I agree that the source of the water appears to be at the corner with Sunderland Road. There is a lot of water leaking!