Anyone else following the upcoming by-election in Brockley Ward, polling date 13th October?
BrockleyCentral is the best local source, and it has postings from both the Lib Dem and Labour candidates.
If you look in the comments, you’ll see that I’m interested by the Lib Dem’s claims to represent Generation Rent - and find his answers less slippery than most on the matter of the need to increase housing supply. Maybe this isn’t quite as electorally toxic as it once was - let’s hope so.
The Labour candidate doesn’t say very much by comparison, her special subject being how men and women spent their time 200 years ago. Completing a PhD at Cambridge, it feels as if she is Labour Party HQ candidate being placed on the first step of a political career in the assured Labour territory that is LB Lewisham. But under Corbyn, will that conveyor belt break down? I see nothing about her party leader on her Twitter feed, so I’m assuming she’s not one of the born again.
I don’t suppose the individual candidates will make that much difference to the result, which is likely to turn on general attitudes to the Labour Party. A good Twitter account to follow here is Britain Elects, from which the Lib Dems seems to be doing well, e.g. this
but London is probably more Corbynist than the rest of the country.